Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Project Proposal

The instructional activity that I am creating for the CALL class will be designed for intermediate learners of English as a foreign language. The CALL tool that I will be using for this project is SoftChalk Lesson Builder. I will create interactive vocabulary activities reflecting the receptive and productive stages in vocabulary acquisition. This instructional activity will expose foreign language learners to comprehensible input and output activities. This lesson will incorporate different modalities (audio, written, visual). Thus students will have the opportunity to see the written form of the target word; hear the correct pronunciation; and see visual images that illustrate the meaning of a particular lexical item. The lesson that I will create will constitute of three major parts.
1. Vocabulary presentation.
• Students will be shown visual images of the target words.
• Students will hear the correct pronunciation of the target words.
• Students will see examples of how to use a particular word in a meaningful context.
2. Receptive Recall.
• Students will do exercises where they have to be able to recognize the target vocabulary item.
3. Productive Recall.
• Students are encouraged to produce/ use the target vocabulary items in a meaningful context.
The purpose of this instructional activity is to demonstrate how foreign language (FL) classroom instruction can be complemented with on-line vocabulary learning units. In this lesson various skills are blended and integrated together in the language instruction (listening, reading, writing). The interactive activities created with SoftChalk are beneficial to foreign language learners because they give students opportunity to learn at their own time and pace. Most importantly SoftChalk allows students to receive individualized feedback.
If you think that SoftChalk is something you might be interested in, you can download the free trial version of SoftChalk LessonBuilder at


  1. Looks like a great project idea. You are welcome to present it for languages other than English, if you want.

  2. Please put links to your classmates' blogs somewhere on the sidebar of your own blog.

  3. Thanks for the links, Miglena :-)
